Contact Us at 770.740.2685

Increase Profit
Save money and time by using owner training video. By providing your clients with video they can review anytime they wish, you can eliminate requests for costly additional training after the job is completed.

Reduce Training Liability
Owner training video also reduces your liability. By videotaping the training sessions, you can provide video proof that your company covered everything that you were contractually bound to train.

Pro High Definition Video
We use professional, 3-chip cameras that will capture your owner training in crisp, high definition. We use the same cameras that are used by television news crews, filmmakers, and commercials.

Pro Audio Recording
What good is video training if you can’t hear the trainer? We use wireless microphones to ensure the best sound possible- whether the trainer is in a classroom or next to a loud generator.
Why Should I Use Owner Training Video?
Clients Prefer Owner Training Video
These days more and more Owners are requiring video training. Owner training is something that has always been required, and always will be, but these days, more and more clients are requesting that the training be recorded. It’s easier to go through DVD’s and find what you’re looking for than the usual 15-20 binders that are 3″ thick full of instruction manuals (and hey, who reads those things anyway, right?) Let us show you how owner training video can work for you and your clients.
Why Should I Choose Smart Aleck Films to Do My Video?
Our staff consists of former trainers who can professionally shoot and edit your owner training video into a polished presentation. We’ve also worked with construction companies for five years and know their challenges when it comes to training owners who are usually too busy to be trained.
How Can Owner Training Video Help My Company?
Providing additional training for past clients means you eat a bunch of unexpected costs in time and money. If you attempt to pass the costs to the client, the burden is on you to track down class sign-in sheets and verify class outlines with busy vendors to prove that you fulfilled your training obligation. It all amounts to a big game of “He said, She said.” The most likely result is ill will from the client and frustration for you.
We can give your clients a set of training dvds or video files that can be reviewed as many times as they need. They can be used for new employees or for existing employees to brush up on sessions that they may have not had an opportunity to attend (or were asleep during the training).
Owner training video allows you to focus on your current and future clients while your past clients have a library of info at their disposal. You also get the peace of mind knowing without a doubt that a subject was covered properly and that you fulfilled your contractual obligations. You save time, money, and possibly your relationship with your client.